ดร.คมสัน กีรติธรรมกุล
อีเมล: kerat@lsed.tu.ac.th
โทรศัพท์: 02-696-5000 ต่อ 6740
• Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction (STEM Education),
University of Minnesota, USA
• M.S. Chemistry
University of Iowa, USA
• B.A. Mathematics
B.S. Chemistry, summa cum laude
Augsburg University, USA
• สะเต็มศึกษา (STEM Education)
• ประเด็นทางสังคมที่เกี่ยวเนื่องกับวิทยาศาสตร์ (Socioscientific Issues)
• ทฤษฎีการศึกษาวิพากษ์ (Critical Pedagogy)
• การเข้าถึงการศึกษาที่เท่าเทียมและเสมอภาค (Equity and Social Justice in Education)
• การวิเคราะห์วาทกรรม (Discourse Analysis)
• สะเต็มศึกษา (STEM Education)
Faruqi, F., Keratithamkul, K., Roehrig, G. H., Hiwatig, B. M., Forde, E., & Ozturk, N.
(2022). Manifestation of Integration into practice: A single case study of an
elementary science teacher in action (Research to Practice). In Proceedings of
the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
Dare, E. A., Hiwatig, B., Keratithamkul, K., Ellis, J. A., Roehrig, G. H., Ring-Whalen, E.
A., Rouleau, M. D., Faruqi, F., Rice, C., Titu, P., Li, F., Wieselmann, J. R., &
Crotty, E. A. (2021). Improving integrated STEM education: The design and
development of a K-12 STEM observational protocol (STEM-OP)(Research to
Practice). In Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
Dare, E. A., Keratithamkul, K., Hiwatig, B. M., & Li, F. (2021). Beyond content: The role
of STEM disciplines, real-world problems, 21st century skills, and STEM careers
within science teachers’ conceptions of integrated STEM education. Education
Sciences, 11(11), 737.
Wieselmann, J. R., Keratithamkul, K., Dare, E. A., Ring-Whalen, E. A., & Roehrig, G.
H. (2021). Discourse analysis in integrated STEM activities: Methods for
examining power and positioning in small group interactions. Research in
Science Education, 51(1), 113-133.
Keratithamkul, K., Kim, J. N., & Roehrig, G. H. (2020). Cultural competence or
deficit-based view? A qualitative approach to understanding middle school
students’ experience with culturally framed engineering. International Journal of
STEM Education, 7(1), 1-15.
Roehrig, G.H., Keratithamkul, K., & Hiwatig, B. M. (2020). Intersections of integrated
STEM and socio-scientific issues. In W. A. Powell (Ed.), Socioscientific
issues-based instruction for scientific literacy development (pp. 256-278). IGI Global.
Owais, A. I., Lu, G., Keratithamkul, K., Kanellis, M. J. & Haes, A. J. (2018). Silver diamine
fluoride chemical mechanisms of action as a caries arresting and preventing agent.
California Dental Association Journal, 46(2), 113-120.
Feng, Z. V., Chen, W. S., Keratithamkul, K., Stoick, M., Kapala, B., Johnson, E., Huang, A.
C., Chin, T. Y., Chen-Yang, Y. W. & Yang, M. L. (2016). Degradation of the
electrospun silica nanofiber in a biological medium for primary hippocampal
neuron–effect of surface modification. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 11,